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Wilson Course Reserves and Links to Library Resources in Brightspace

Link to Electronic Resources in Brightspace.

Use Brightspace to provide links to ebooks, full-text articles, and streaming videos.

Use Persistent Links

Use Persistent Links

It is important to use the persistent / permanent links given in the databases, for the following reasons:

  • The URL that displays in your browser will eventually time out and students will see an error message if they click on it.

  • For copyright purposes, it is important to use the links within the databases to direct your students to the articles instead of saving the PDF and including the PDF in your Brightspace page.  Many publishers do not include uploads in their licenses, and the databases track usage and downloads of articles in order to compensate publishers.

  • Having your students log into the library databases has the added benefit of encouraging your students to learn how to use the resources provided by the library for future research.

Unfortunately, there is not consistency as to what these links are called across the databases (EbscoHostProQuest, etc.)  In some they are called "permalinks" or "permanent links" or "Copy Link", regardless of the name they are the same thing, a persistent link.  Make sure to find that link on the page and copy and paste that link into Brightspace.