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Josue Hernandez, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Sergio Adame, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are detrimental to the developing immune system. People are heavily exposed to these artificial and environmental contaminants, therefore it would be necessary to understand the short and long-term effects on human health. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) is one of the two main types of estrogen receptors activated by estrogen, as the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) is activated by estradiol. This project aims to see if ERα and GPER work together in causing adverse thymocyte differentiation and death induced by HPTE and DES. We utilized two inhibitors being G15 (GPER antagonist) and ICI 182,780 (ER antagonist) to see if they will rescue embryonic thymocytes from EDC induced death. The project can contribute to searching for solutions and prevention of developmental health issues caused by EDC exposure.
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Anthony Guarrera, Undergraduate Student, Computer Science Major
This application was developed to provide the Emergency Medical Technician Course at Pasadena City College with a fully functioning patient care reporting system, in the form of a web application. The purpose of the website is to provide a platform to simulate an electronic patient care reporting system for the students to interact with. The goal of this project is to develop a web application that allows the students in the EMT course at PCC to be able to create, edit, and submit simulated calls to the database. A relational database was used to create the users, calls, categories, user roles, categories, and a token to verify instructors.
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Aline Muro, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Martina Perez, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
My group is determining if rotenone, a chemical known to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) and interfere with the oxidative status of cells, causes VL3-3M2 cells oxidative status to be affected. To do so, we performed an EC50 assay to determine what concentration of rotenone would cause 50% of the cells to die, therefore implying it is a good positive control. If rotenone is a good positive control, we can utilize it to see how ROS affect VL3-3M2 cells, which are being used as a model for embryonic thymocytes, in the presence of an endocrine disrupting chemical using the H2DCFDA staining assay.
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Stephanie Khatchadourian, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Bianca Sanchez, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
In this experiment we used an inhibitor, PIK-75, to determine its the toxicity to the cell at different incubation times. The incubation periods were as follows: 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 2 hours.
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Luisa Estanga
More schools are adopting the movement of creating fully inclusive classrooms that include both children with disabilities as well as children with out. By doing so, there are some challenges teachers and administrators face, such as creating a classroom that makes children with disabilities feel safe and included while also helping the children without special needs become, in a way, mentors and create full acceptance amongst them all. One may ask how can this be achieved? One way to help reach a point of full acceptance and successful inclusion would be through children’s books and literature.
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Stephanie Valdovinos, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Desiree Nunez, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Natalia Hernandez, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
We are analyzing the effects of GW5074 on VL3-3M2 Cell Line by conducting an EC50 assay to detect cell apoptosis and viability.
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Khiabet Corona, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Monica Cuevas, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Sofia Sanchez, Undergraduate Student, Biology Major
Our research focused on the inhibitor protein phosphatase type II (PP2), an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC). We utilized the VLM-3M2 cell line which has similar properties to embryonic thymocytes. We chose 3 different concentrations of PP2 and incubated them with the VLM-3M2 cell line for 3 time points, ranging between 30 mins to 2 hours. Our goal was to see how long it would take for 50% of the cells to die when exposed to PP2. Finding a trend in all or in one of the time points can help bring light to how long it takes for EDCs to cause effect in our bodies.