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Law Library Resources

Federal Government

Federal Government Information

United States Government Manual
The official handbook of the federal government containing information on the agencies of the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Users can either browse through the table of contents or search by subject, name, or agency.

Federal Citizen Information Center
The first point of contact for people inquiring about federal programs, benefits, or services. (Formerly “”)
The United States Government’s Official Web Portal. Comprehensive collection of topical and customer-focused links to federal government web pages, including state, local, and tribal governments. Also available in Spanish.

U.S. Congress
Legislative Branch Internet Resources links.

U.S. Court / The Federal Judiciary
A clearinghouse for information from and about the United States Courts.

U.S. Federal Government Agencies
Louisiana State University (LSU) Libraries directory of government agencies including independent and quasi-official agencies, boards, commissions, and committees. Searchable by keyword/phrase.

The White House
The President, the Cabinet, and the Executive Office, including a video tour of the Oval Office.
Home of the U.S. Government’s open data, where you’ll find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, etc.

U.S. Census Bureau
2010 Census Data
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
Documents Data Miner 2
FDsys Browse Government Publications
FDLP Desktop