Solvency Ratios - Examine the financial soundness of a company and how well it can meet short and long-term obligations. . Efficiency Ratios - Check the quality of receivables and the efficiency of asset control; measure the effectiveness of payment to supplier; and evaluate over or under-trading on equity.
Profitability Ratios - Study how profit is earned relative to sales, total assets and net worth.
Global coverage of 130M public and private businesses. Includes Annual Revenues, Corporate Family Tree, Key Contacts, Analyst Reports, SWOT reports, stock data, and financials.
New users must register and set up an an account (do not use S&P site to register). Click here to Request an Account. S&P Capital IQ provides historical information on companies, markets, transactions, and people worldwide. It can be used for complex financial statement analysis, comparable analysis, sector analysis, and charting.
For over sixty years, the QFR program has collected and published quarterly aggregate statistics on the financial results and position of U.S. corporations.