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Wilson Library's Makerspace

3D printing

3D Printing at the Wilson Library's Makerspace 


What is 3D printing?

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object.

LInks To Resources

3D Modeling Resources:

Free 3D Modeling Software

Blender - open source 3D animation suite. Enable the 3D Printing Toolbox.

OpenSCAD - free software for creating solid 3D CAD models. Useful for creating models of machine parts.

Tinkercad - a browser-based 3D design platform, now part of Autodesk (free version available).

Free 3D Models

You can search for pre-existing models on the Internet to print as they are, or to modify using 3D modeling software.

Thingiverse - MakerBot's searchable design library community.

Policies and Submit

Submit a File

Creating or Editing a Model

You can design your object in any 3D modeling software such as Blender(free) or online software such as TinkerCADYou can also use or modify a pre-existing file from websites such as Thingiverse.


File Format

Export your model as a stereolithography file, with an STL extension (.stl)


Submitting a file

Email your STL file to Please allow us two business day to review your file and give you an estimate cost and turnaround time.