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3D Scanning allows you to digitally capture any physical object and transfer it to your computer. By using an Xbox 360 Kinect, a Kinect adapter, and the program Skanect, you can scan 3D objects to your computer to print on our 3D Printer. The scanner takes a recording or multiple "pictures" of the surface points on the object. The scanner is able to reconstruct the "images" it has taken to your computer. Scan a room, hand, or any other 3D object.
To begin the process of scanning, the user would first connect the Xbox Kinect with the adapter to a computer through a USB port and power strip. The process would then continue with the user opening the program Skanect. You would then be prompted to choose the parameters of what you would like to scan. After choosing the parameters you can begin by pressing the start button. After the start button is pressed, settings and options will appear that allows you to add a delay timer or time limit. Once finished with the settings, you can begin recording. Now, on the screen, your object will appear green while the background will appear red. To scan the object, slowly move the object 360° so the camera can capture everything. Once you have captured everything you may stop the recording and clean the object in the Skanect program or save as an STL. file to edit the object. Once the 3D object is to your liking, save to a flash drive to print on our 3D Printer.